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【活動訊息】2024亞洲生技大展7/25~7/28 BIO Asia-Taiwan Exhibition 2024
誠摯邀請師生同仁們 一同前來【2024亞洲生技大展/ BIO Asia-Taiwan Exhibition 2024】共襄盛舉
2024 亞洲生技大展(Bio Asia)將於7/25~7/28舉行歡迎師生同仁們一起參與這場亞洲生技盛會

BIO ASIA展區開放資訊如下:

時間:2024/7/25(四) - 7/28(日) 10:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM (最終日展至5:00 PM)  (Last day closes at 5:00 PM)
地點 Venue: 台北南港展覽館1館4樓 Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, 4F
攤位編號 Booth No.: N315
※恕不開放12歲以下兒童入場參觀/Children under 12 are not admitted to 4F
~展區平面圖如附件(Attached is the floor plan),供各位參考~
1. 點擊鏈接【立即開通】按鈕至【參觀資格申請】頁面/ Login or Sign up.
2. 開始申請 - 依指示【登入/註冊會員】/ Please confirm personal basic information to complete the registration procedure.
3. 完成申請 - 展期憑【展昭會員卡入場QR Code】免費進場參觀/Registration complete. Show your 'Admission QR Code' at the entrance for admission during the exhibition period.
