回首頁 最新消息 活動訊息 【活動訊息】[AS-BioTReC] [活動邀請] 誠摯邀請您參加翁啟惠院士(Chi-Huey Wong, Ph.D.)於國家生技園區演講活動 Welcome to participate in BioTReC Seminar by Chi-Huey Wong, Ph.D. on Sep. 9, 2024
【活動訊息】[AS-BioTReC] [活動邀請] 誠摯邀請您參加翁啟惠院士(Chi-Huey Wong, Ph.D.)於國家生技園區演講活動 Welcome to participate in BioTReC Seminar by Chi-Huey Wong, Ph.D. on Sep. 9, 2024

翁啟惠院士(Chi-Huey Wong, Ph.D.)於2024年9月9日(週一)蒞臨國家生技研究園區進行演講,翁啟惠院士目前擔任美國Scripps研究院化學講座教授、中央研究院基因體研究中心特聘研究員、國家生技醫療產業策進會會長及行政院生技產業策略諮議委員。翁院士是醣科學領域的化學先驅,榮獲多項至高學術榮譽及獎項,發表超過750篇論文、120項專利,他的研究具有高度科學影響力(H指數160),深深影響著醣科學領域的發展,近期研究專注於開發合成及探討與人類疾病相關的複雜碳水化合物和醣蛋白的新方法和工具,不僅對基礎科學帶來莫大貢獻,並引領更具療效新藥和疫苗的開發。翁院士於本次演講將分享他傑出的學術生涯和研究歷程精彩故事,並且分享醣改造抗體和疫苗方面的最新進展,以及如何在對抗流感和新冠病毒等病毒性疾病上提供更具效果的治療方法。非常歡迎從事相關研究或有興趣的產學研人士報名參加。

地點:國家生技研究園區C棟2樓C201國際會議廳  (臺北市南港區研究院路一段130巷99號)
Broadly Protective Vaccines and Antibodies through Glycoengineering

講者:翁啟惠院士Chi-Huey Wong, Ph.D.
          Scripps Family Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute  Distinguished Research Fellow at Genomics Research Center and Academician, Academia Sinica

主持人:吳漢忠主任 中央研究院生醫轉譯研究中心
主辦單位:中央研究院 生醫轉譯研究中心
聯絡人:中央研究院 生醫轉譯研究中心 張德斌博士
電話: (02)7750-5582(專線)
E-mail: tepinchang@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Dear Colleagues and Friends

Dr. Chi-Huey Wong is currently the Scripps Family Chair Professor of Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute and a Distinguished Research Fellow at Academia Sinica. He also serves as the President of the Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry and is a BTC member of the Executive Yuan, Taiwan. As a prominent pioneer and renowned chemist in glycoscience, Dr. Wong has received many honors and awards, authored over 750 publications, held more than 120 patents, and is a highly cited scientist (H-index 160). Dr. Wong's research has profoundly impacted the field, particularly in developing new methods and tools for making and studying complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins, especially those associated with human diseases. His work has greatly contributed not only to academics but also to the development of new drugs and vaccines. In this lecture, Academician Wong will share highlights from his distinguished academic career and research journey, as well as the latest advancements in glyco-engineered antibodies and vaccines. He will also discuss more effective treatments for viral diseases such as influenza and COVID-19. Researchers and industry professionals are warmly invited to attend.

Time: 15:30, Sep. 9, 2024(Monday) (Registration will start at 15:00)
Venue: C201 International conference hall, 2nd floor, Building C, National Biotechnology Research Park (Address: No. 99, Aly 130, Sec. 1, Academia Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan)
Title: Broadly Protective Vaccines and Antibodies through Glycoengineering

Speaker: Chi-Huey Wong, Ph.D.
               Scripps Family Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute  Distinguished Research Fellow at Genomics Research Center and Academician, Academia Sinica
Host: Dr. Han-Chung Wu
         Director/Biomedical Translation Research Center, Academia Sinica
Organizer: Biomedical Translation Research Center, Academia Sinica
Registration website: https://forms.gle/HUEAp5bDctGDDyzp6
Transportation information: https://nbrp.sinica.edu.tw/pages/41
Fee: Free of charge
Contact: Te-Pin Chang
E-mail: tepinchang@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Tel: (02) 7750-5582