Any private organization, institution, or company aiming to commission a TMU faculty member in the conduction of research projects, trials and examinations, efficacy verification, technical services or to act as a consultant must follow the specified procedure, which is as presented in the following flowchart.


*Procedure Diagram

If you have further inquiry about Industry–Academia Collaboration Project Application, please contact with

Emma Chou (ext. 15423) or emma2021@tmu.edu.tw


Clinical Trials


Clinical Human Research

Human Subject Research (1)

Human Subject Research (2)


Conducting questionnaire survey, or obtaining human specimens or demographic information (not including the test article)

Food or cosmetics

New drugs, new medical equipment, or new medical technique

Executing Facility

Schools, research institutions, and medical centers

Medical institutions


All of the aforementioned trials must obtain the approval of the Institutional Review Board before being initiated.



Starting from September 18, 2017, the Joint Clinical Research Center of the Office of Human Research will assist in handling all applications for clinical research (including contract signing and relevant affairs) for the university and its three affiliated hospitals. For such applications, please refer to the following contact person:

Joint Clinical Research Center of the Office of Human Research

Contact:Ms. Lu, Pei-Lin (02-6638-27361743pattylu@tmu.edu.tw)

For more infomation:Link