HOME DIVISIONS Industrial Liaison Center STEM Talent Cultivation Achievements Exhibition

Five Senior High Schools Micro-Course

The Department of Pharmacy of Taipei Medical University has formed a strategic alliance with five high schools in Taipei City, including Taipei Municipal Chien Kuo High School, Taipei First Girls High School, Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei Munipal Zhongshan Girls' High School, and Taipei Municipal Chenggong High School to plan flexible learning micro-course, “Pursuing My Pharmacy Dream Micro-Course”. It contains total 6 physical courses and allows high school students to understand the majors and characteristics of the Department of Pharmacy and the various talents needed in the field of pharmacy before choosing a department, thereby exploring high school students' knowledge and interest in the field of pharmacy. We arranged six major pharmaceutical development fields as the theme. The instructors mainly give oral lectures with PPT slides for explanations and timely guide students to discuss in group activities in order to enhance students' interest. This micro-course will enhance high school students’cognitive concepts and clinical applications in the field of pharmacy. The instructors also guide students to fully speak in the class and participate in discussions. It can increase communication and interaction skills and teamwork.

Smart Drug Development - A Case Study in Innovative Drug Entrepreneurship and a Showcase of Collaborative Efforts

The STEM Camp fosters drug development awareness in high school students and sparks interest in Taiwan's pharmaceutical research.
The 'Drug Discovery Supernova STEM Camp' offers tailored courses in drug and AI development, group activities, and elevator pitches for high schoolers. Led by STEM and non-STEM teachers, it makes drug innovation and entrepreneurship accessible to students.
In partnership with UNIMED HEALTHCARE INC., a major biotech distributor, students gain practical experience and insights into research equipment, biomedical trends, and drug commercialization. This program bridges the gap between academic knowledge and industry needs, nurturing future drug development talents.