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A. Patent Application

1.Regulations relevant to patent application
 Early Publication
Any disclosure of the invention before filing a patent application may affect applications for strategic patenting in various countries.

 *Taiwan and the United States →the disclosure of an invention in a recognized journal within a year prior to the patent application may be recognized as published during the grace period.​

​ *European Union and China → may not be granted a grace period for any disclosure prior to the patent application.

 * The form of disclosure includes but is not limited to journal publication, online abstract, posters, or student theses. Any publication form that is possible to access may affect the  novelty of the patent.
Article 22 of the Patent

Regulations regarding inventions made in the performance of duties
 Inventions made in the performance of duties must be reported to the university, and the applicant of the patent under application must be registered in the name of the university.
 Additionally, the university's subsidy grant must be reviewed by the Intellectual Property Management Committee. 


Intellectual Property Management Committee
  Meeting frequency: approximately once every 2 months.
  Decision: 1. Whether or not the university will grant the subsidy.
  For relevant regulations, please refer to Article 3 Item 2
  Regulations regarding the attribution and management of R&D results of Taipei Medical University and its affiliated institutions.


Patent subsidy
The subsidy is granted in accordance government standards for subsidies and the decision of the Intellectual Property Management Committee.
* The university does not grant subsidies for utility model patents.
* Patent application: The inventor must contribute a certain proportion of the patent application fees.
 Please refer to the 
Regulations for the Management and Application of Research and Development Results of Taipei Medical University and Its Affiliated Institutions


 Proportion of revenue distribution
The distribution will be determined according to the proportion written in the Agreement of the Distribution of Research and  Development Expenses and Revenue of Taipei   Medical University, when filing the patent application. 
  Regulations for the Management and Application of Research and Development Results of Taipei Medical University and Its Affiliated Institutions.


2. Technology Transfer


 Proportion of revenue distribution
The distribution will be determined according to the proportion written in the Agreement of the Distribution of Research and  Development Expenses and Revenue of Taipei   Medical University, when filing the patent application. 
 Regulations for the Management and Application of Research and Development Results of Taipei Medical University and Its Affiliated Institutions.